The Most Used Social Networks Among Workplaces

by Kaitlan Whitteberry on September 23, 2016

If you’ve been following our blog, you’re probably pretty familiar with our social media posts for workplace and facilities leaders. What you may not know is which social sites companies like yours are using. It varies widely across the board, depending on size and industry, and if the company has a dedicated marketing team or not. We already know 7 out of 10 consumers prefer doing business with a company that has a social media presence, but who is capitalizing on that? Let’s find out exactly what types of companies are out there on social. 


Before we dive into the research, we’re quite anxious to know the statistics of our own readers. As workplace leaders we have a unique group and an interesting perspective in what it means to resonate with an audience. Our audience is our workforce, arguably the most important group of people. So please give us some insight. Answer our poll question before continuing through the blog. We greatly appreciate it!  And, of course, we’ll share the results with you on next Friday’s social media blog. 


We pulled our statistics for the statistics listed below from research conducted in 2015 and 2016 and another on workplace website habits. We also took information from HubSpot’s recent marketing statistics study and this study from the Content Marketing Institute. 

Facebook Statistics 

The one that started it all. Still the most popular and still holding its ranking of where social media users spend the most time, Facebook isn’t going anywhere any time soon. The king of social media is still relevant for companies too, and with the ultimate public release of Facebook at Work, we can expect to see its continuation in our working lives in the future. Here’s how Facebook stacks up in the business world.Social_Media_Workplace_Statistics_Email.jpg

Fortune 500: 75% 
Small Business: 89% 
B2B: 84%
B2C: 94%
SMB Pages: 50 million
Employee use while at work: 65%

Twitter Statistics

Twitter has been in the news lately for some relatively negative reports on its culture, but other workplace’s participation on the platform hasn’t wavered much. They’ve managed to cater to a unique crowd, one that wants news and updates from brands and events they care about. 

Fortune 500: 78% 
Small Business: 49%
B2B: 87%
B2C: 77%
Employee use while at work: 53%

LinkedIn Statistics

Clearly a must-have for business-to-business companies, and anyone hoping to find a job at a Fortune 500 company, LinkedIn has a slightly smaller yet truly loyal set of users. Its recent acquisition by Microsoft is still so new we’re not sure what will come of it, hopefully good things for all. Here’s how other companies are using the professional social network. 

Fortune 500: 93% 
Small Business: 42%
B2B: 94%
B2C: 71%
Employee use while at work: 25%
Fortune 500 Recruiting: 86%
Small Business Recruiting: 48%

Instagram Statistics 

A favorite of the Millennial generation, Instagram is now owned by Facebook, but used by a much younger average audience than its parent. Many business-to-consumer companies, especially those in retail and the food service industry, have found success marketing on the image heavy site by showcasing what they have to sell. 

Fortune 500: 33%
Small Business: 28%
B2B: 40%
B2C: 60%
Employee use while at work: 5%

Snapchat Statistics

The youngest social media channel on our list, relatively little has been studied about how workplaces are using it. This does not mean that SnapChat is not important. It currently has more users than Twitter, more than Pinterest and more than LinkedIn. Big things are coming for this channel, we know it. 

Fortune 500: 20%
Small Business: 11%
Favoritism: Ranked #2 by users

Whether you’re in charge of social at your company or not, its a good idea to get familiar with your corporate social media policy or talk to your marketing team about how you can get your workforce more involved. A company’s culture is reflected in and depends on how the workforce interacts with one another, and social media has now become part of that equation. How your company comes across on social media speaks wonders about the well being of your employees. So what does all of this mean? Considering almost 80% of companies now have a dedicated social media team, social has officially made its way into the workplace, and it looks like it’s getting pretty comfy. 


Kaitlan Whitteberry

Kaitlan Whitteberry is a Magna Cum Laude graduate from the University of Missouri's journalism program, and currently focuses on iOFFICE press releases, software updates and related news.

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