12 Mind-Blowing Statistics Every Facilities Manager Should Know

by Tiffany Bloodworth Rivers on April 3, 2014

The rapid change today’s workforce has experienced is forcing Facility Managers, Human Resources and the Executives upstairs to reinvent how business is conducted as well the workspace environment. These changes have brought the inevitable growth of the facility management field, as well as FM software. Those who do not embrace technology and all of its tools are being left behind. For those of you that are still skeptical about these technological advances and their place in the workplace, we have rounded up a few statistics that are sure to get you thinking, if not totally convince you.Get the 12 statistics every FM should know

1.) The Gartner Group states that “providing a workspace to an individual employee costs an organization from $8,000 to $14,000 per year”. The Aberdeen Group’s research also shows that, through the implementation of an IWMS tool, organizations stand to save an average of 5% in total occupancy cost. That’s a savings of $400 per person annually!

2.) According to a recent TowersWatson report, “more than 60% of employees are unsupported, detached or disengaged”. That’s more than half of your workforce disengaged at any point in time. Facility Managers, HR, IT and the C-Suite must collaborate to update processes and provide the tools to keep employees engaged and productive at all times. Creating a steady, reliable flow of information and encouraging sound relationships is also instrumental in increasing business productivity.

3.) The United States ranks number 23 (out of a poll of 23 conducted by OECD) regarding work-life balance, with Denmark ranked number 1. The OECD came up with three main variables to constitute a balance between work and life: (1) The share of the workforce that works very long hours (more than 50 hours a week) (2) time spent on “leisure and personal care” and (3) employment rates for women with children. The share of working mothers was led by the United States, while the U.S. lagged in both leisure time and the share of overworked employees. Rapid advancements in technology have allowed for today’s workforce to work from virtually anywhere, anytime. While these tools are highly beneficial, workers must take special care to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Studies now indicate that people who are tied to their jobs constantly suffer a higher rate of stress and burnout. This burnout leads to a decrease in performance and productivity, with a higher call-out rate due to sickness. It is in a company’s best interest, therefore, to encourage their employees to strike a healthy balance.

4.) By embracing the concept of telecommuting, U.S. businesses and telecommuters stand to save over $700 billion annually. The typical business could save $11,000 per person per year, while telecommuters themselves could save between $2,000 and $7,000. And recent studies point towards higher productivity amongst telecommuters, so it’s a winning situation from every angle.

5.) By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials. In order to attract and retain this talent, businesses will need to embrace the technological tools these millennials have grown accustomed to using. Facilities Managers are faced with the growing need to maintain an open line of communication and strong professional relationships with their entire team, ensuring they know their clients and their needs.

6.) The average American spend 5.2 hours per day on the Internet, with 81% of North America utilizing the internet. This knowledge, coupled with the fact that 78% of these users conduct product research online, supports the concept that every organization’s presence on web, both internally and externally, is critical to it’s very existence.

7.) 78% of business professionals use their mobile device to check email, while 101% of the United States population is mobile. The U.S. ranks 6th in mobile penetration, so this number only stands to grow. From 2005 to 2011, the trend in telecommuting has risen by 73% in the U.S. With tools such as the cloud and mobile apps, companies have the ability to provide their employees with the tools to be productive and stay informed from anywhere.

8.) There are 1.8 Billion people globally, utilizing at least one social network, with 56% the American population maintaining a social network presence. Facebook has a staggering 1.3 billion users, used by 57% of American adults and 73% of 12-17 year olds. There are 650 million Twitter users–45% male and 54% female, while LinkedIn reports 260 million users. 69% of the male population use some sort of social media, while 78% of women do. 90% of social media users are between the ages of 18 and 29, while 78% of 30-49 year olds do. Still considering implementing a “no social networking” policy at work? These statistics indicate businesses should not only abandon this policy, but should utilize these social networks as a tool for further growth.

9.) Through the utilization of FM technology, organizations stand to save an average of 5% reduction in total cost of occupancy, 3.5% average reduction in lease costs and
3.3% average reduction in maintenance costs.
Tools such as space management software provide companies with a clear understanding of how their space is being utilized, forecast for the future, and make money-saving decisions accordingly. Facility maintenance software provides increased visibility into their operational costs. Maintenance software includes automated request submissions, on-line and mobile tracking of requests and service delivery, virtual space planning, as well as the ability to consistently asses activity volume, performance and costs.

10.) According to a Global Industries Analytics Report, the facilities management industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries, with expected growth to reach $394.69 billion by 2017. Regardless of the size of the organization, companies are realizing the overwhelming impact a facility manager can have on their business. Armed with the skills to evaluate an organization’s processes and productivity, coupled with the ten-gallon courage to implement strategies and systems companies might otherwise avoid, the FM profession has shown it is here to stay.

11.) IWMS software sales worldwide are expected to reach $1.01 billion in 2013, a 16.3 percent increase from $869 million a year ago. By 2018, revenues are expected to hit $1.7 billion. With the facility management field’s rapid rise over the last decade, so has the use of facility management software. By gaining access to these software tools, facility managers obtain real-time, accurate information regarding their office buildings. Companies are realizing these benefits now more than ever before.

12.) There are 29,233 books on Amazon regarding the subject of facility management. The release of iOffice’s Wide Open Workspace: Trailblazing Solutions for Tomorrow’s Workforce will make that number 29,234. Download your copy of Chapter 1 today and find out how Facility Managers are the Cowboys of today.

These are just a few powerful statistics supporting the rise in facility management, as well as the software tools utilized today. You can find more stats, figures and real-world examples in the Case Studies of our website.


Tiffany Bloodworth Rivers

Tiffany covers leadership and marketing topics and enjoys learning about how technology shapes our industry. Before iOFFICE, she worked in local news but don't hold that against her.

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