Can a Holiday Party Improve the Employee Experience? We Think So.
It’s no secret that we’re proud crusaders of creating an engaging employee experience, which is why we love celebrating with our team each year for our annual iOFFICE holiday party. iOFFICE employees fly in from all around the country with their families to celebrate. Our headquarters is always decorated ready for their arrival! The kiddos also know to start preparing their lists, as Santa always makes a “surprise” visit. It’s truly a magical evening, and we wish you could have seen it. But since you couldn’t we created the next best thing, a video and a poem for you to enjoy!
Twas’ the Friday before Christmas and all through the workplace,
not a thing was left behind not even a sole briefcase.
All the chairs were pushed in to each desk with care,
and the computers were turned off, as no one would be there.
Papers were nestled all snug in their drawers
and the cleaning crew had just finished waxing the floors.
When down the hall arose a beeping full of clatter,
the workplace manager sprang from his desk to see what was the matter.
He spoke not a word as he went straight to his work,
but once he found the issue he couldn’t help but smirk.
Someone had forgotten to turn the lights off on the tree,
although it looked pretty, what a hazard that could be!
The workplace manager solved the issue just as quick as could be,
for he’s the true hero in this story, you see.
And with the office completely empty, he headed home out of sight,
and exclaimed Merry Christmas to all and to my workplace – goodnight.