Top 16 Technical Terms Every Facilities Manager Should Know

by Tiffany Bloodworth Rivers on July 7, 2014

Technical tools are rapidly expanding their role in the facility manager’s daily lives, pushing their importance into the spotlight more than ever before. We thought it would be helpful to comprise a list of the top technical terms that every facility manager should be familiar with, along with an explanation as to its position in your professional role.


As the coach of your team, it is your job to ensure everything runs smoothly and employees are working as productively as possible. But, understanding technical jargon and communicating with IT managers can be challenging for most FMs.

Here are the top 16 technical terms facilities managers should know

A basic understanding of relevant, common tech terms can help you in defining the needs of your organization and what place technology will occupy.

In our ebook, Top 16 Technical Terms Every Facilities Manager Should Know, you will learn about these tech terms that will help with communication throughout your organization. These communication skills will not only bring a positive transformation to your team, but to your entire organization, as FM clearly impacts companies as a whole.

To download your complimentary copy of our ebook, click here, and feel free to share it with anyone you think would find it useful. 



Tiffany Bloodworth Rivers

Tiffany covers leadership and marketing topics and enjoys learning about how technology shapes our industry. Before iOFFICE, she worked in local news but don't hold that against her.

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