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The traditional avenue of mail distribution is alive and well. Many organizations and universities continue to receive packages and important documents as well as send out postal mail to other businesses and residencies.

With this constant flow of incoming and outgoing mail, tracking and organization becomes a challenge. By automating this process, mailroom management software maintains the integrity of the delivery cycle in a timely, efficient manner.

Benefits of Mailroom Management Software

Reduced Operational Costs

When every task in the mailroom is performed by a human hand, the cost of man-hours and resources can quickly add up. (Not to mention that it also introduces greater opportunities for errors.) The automation in mailroom management software helps save on personnel costs while increasing accuracy at every step of the process.

Support for the Mobile Workforce

It’s no secret that the workforce is not what it once was. With mobility at the forefront, tracking down individuals and delivering packages has become a more time-intensive project. Mailroom management software offers the benefit of sending out notifications to employees and students when their package has arrived and is ready for pick-up. And in the case that mobile employees check into a workspace, the mail team can be triggered to personally deliver the package.

Improved Customer Service

Creating a better customer experience is now a staple across various businesses. An integral part of this is ensuring that potential clients have access to time-sensitive documents when they need them. After all, a lost package in the mailroom or an address that is written down incorrectly can easily lead to frustrations and missed opportunities. With the ability to track the whereabouts of mail and streamline communications, mailroom management software prevents these problems.

Choosing Mailroom Management Software

Before you choose a mailroom management software, you’ll want to make sure that it meets your needs. As you venture through the decision-making process, here are some helpful guidelines: 

  • Find a system vendor that you know and trust
  • Inquire about how new systems and modules will integrate with existing systems
  • Ensure access to the system via mobile devices, with an optimal user experience
  • See if you can track relevant metrics to make educated managerial decisions
  • Confirm that the information shared between networks is kept safe and secure
  • Ask about available training/support during and after implementation

Weighing these factors will paint a clearer picture of which mailroom management software is the right fit for your organization.

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On any given day, universities can see thousands of pieces of mail come through the pipeline. This number has only continued to grow with college students ordering everything from medication to clothes online.

Where sorting through all these items could turn into a logistical nightmare, mailroom management software helps streamline operations.

Consider the arrival of packages. By simply scanning barcodes on packages, mailroom employees can capture recipient information and automatically send them a notification via email to signify the package’s arrival.

Thanks to digital tracking capabilities, mailroom employees can follow an online chain of custody that pinpoints when a package is actually delivered as well as the student’s signature. An added bonus is that mobile apps make it easy to access this history at any point in time.

There is quite a bit of value to draw from the analytics of mailroom management software as well. With a better idea of when to expect a greater influx of packages—whether it’s close to holidays or within the first few weeks of class—universities can plan to have the resources they need on-hand for these high-volume periods.


Snail mail still plays an integral role in business operations. That’s why it’s important to have the right resources on hand to effectively manage and monitor this flow of traditional mail.
