Global worktech leader adds consulting offering to accelerate enterprise transformation. Learn more.


Discover iOFFICE, who we are, and how we work for you.

You need a proven, reliable partner who understands the challenges of modern workplace management

iOFFICE was founded in 2002 and today continues to lead innovation in the workplace management space. For example, we have developed the next generation of IWMS, one that places the employee experience at the center. We’re reinventing for agility by bringing you the power of a cloud-based platform that keeps growing in depth and breadth, thanks to our strategic acquisitions and the decades of experience backing our executive team.

You need a scalable solution that grows in tandem with your business

iOFFICE is flexible, delivering just what you need to enhance productivity, reduce costs and improve business outcomes today with the scale you envision for tomorrow. Is global growth your strategy? Ours too! We have more than 1,500 customers using iOFFICE all around the world.

You need to demonstrate ROI

We know your decisions must be based on quantified data. The iOFFICE platform provides data visualization that turns information into actionable intelligence. By harnessing workplace and asset data on a cloud-based platform, you save time, save money, and create a frictionless employee experience. Our integrated solution also helps you reduce your tech stack for even more cost-saving efficiency.

You need intuitive mobile tools for everyone/everything/everywhere

The iOFFICE Hummingbird app is an intuitive employee-facing mobile tool that is a one-stop-shop for managing their experiences at work. Your team members can reserve meeting rooms, check-in visitors, track package deliveries, order lunch and more—from absolutely anywhere. The enhanced employee experience supports higher retention, greater productivity and a better bottom line.

You need performance on your terms

You can leverage the iOFFICE platform across your entire enterprise. Looking to integrate IoT sensors and track a vast array of assets? The iOFFICE platform can handle billions of assets and keep that data close at hand anywhere, anytime. Our reliable performance is reflected in our 98% customer retention rate.

You want a partner who shares your vision of creating a workplace that’s loved by your workforce

Our customers recommend iOFFICE to their colleagues on a regular basis. This network of users collectively shares the goal of advancing business success with only the best workplace technology innovations. Hundreds of them connect in person at our annual conference!


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