8 FAQ’s about our Facilities Management Software

by Tiffany Bloodworth Rivers on January 7, 2019

iOFFICE’s Facilities management software is an invaluable tool that helps support a facility’s operations to make them more effective. It is often integrated with other IT systems and typically includes functionality for managing space, reservations, service requests, moves and assets. The combination of workflow management, data reporting and web-based mobility helps streamline business operations while allowing facility managers to make informed decisions.

Because of the uniqueness of our software, we get asked all sorts of questions. However, some of them get asked more frequently than others. Today, we are starting with the 8 most frequently asked ones.

Does your software work on a PC?  

YES. We are constantly asked this and the answer is definitively yes.  All you need to use our software is the latest web browser, IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari. Any of those will do just fine

Can you install it on our server?

NO. Our software is SaaS based for numerous reasons.  iOFFICE was created for the web and we don’t have or plan to have, a version that can be installed on your company server.

Where do you host my data?  

The Database and Application are hosted at Rackspace, a Tier 4 Data Center located in Dallas, TX.  We also have a European Data Center for our non-US customers.  Your data is NOT comingled.   Security is one of the main topics that will be discussed in more depth this month, so if this is of interest to you check back with us regularly…or sign up for our blog and you will be emailed when it is posted.

What happens if I leave you?  

Although we would hate to see you go and honestly have only had a few customers leave (less than 10 over the past 12 years), your data is yours!  We will send you the complete data within 30 days of your exit.

Can you integrate with other applications like human resource systems or help desks?

YES. Our open-architecture means we can easily interface with just about any other system.  We have created numerous API’s in the past.

Why is iOFFICE modular?  

This is one of our best features. Our modular concept allows you to purchase only the components that fit your business requirements, streamlining your system and greatly reducing the cost. How many TV stations do you have?  Now how many do actually watch? We don’t believe you should have to pay for something you aren’t going to use, do you?

How much does your software cost?  

Because our software packages are usually customized to each clients wants and needs, this is a difficult question to answer without some specifics. However, we understand the interest and have now included our base pricing on our website with plans to expand this page in the coming weeks. We want there to be complete transparency with this subject which is why we have put our base pricing on our website.  We are also working on a more robust pricing page that will be here in the coming weeks.  If you’d like a specific quote, feel free to request a custom quote.

Do I need to purchase anything else for the software to work?  

NO. Unlike with other vendors, you do not need to purchase additional costly software. training courses or even an IWMS consultant to use our software.


So those are the 8 most frequently asked questions about our facility management software.  If you have a question or two you want answered, post it here in the comments and we will do our best to answer it for you.

If you’d like to explore our software, schedule a demo or get started for free.

Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published in January 2014 and has been updated for accuracy and relevance


Tiffany Bloodworth Rivers

Tiffany covers leadership and marketing topics and enjoys learning about how technology shapes our industry. Before iOFFICE, she worked in local news but don't hold that against her.

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